‘Down there’ is a weird topic, right? People are shy and awkward about it. But guess what? The hair down there actually has a job to do! Let’s talk about it without all the hush-hush.
Why do we even have hair down there? Well, it plays an important role. It is like a tiny bodyguard protecting your genital skin from getting infected or irritated. Besides it keeps things at right temperature and appropriate moisture level necessary to stay healthy. But, it is a fact that everyone has their own style and preference. Some people like the full bush, a few like to trim it down and several go for a clean sweep. No judgement here!
Cultural attitude
The cultural attitude towards pubic hair is different and continues to evolve.
- In many Western societies like in the late 90s or early 2000s, everyone started wanting to be super smooth and hairless. Thanks to fashion magazines and those porn movies, people though being hair-free was the hottest thing ever. So, everyone jumped on the bandwagon and started shaving, waxing, etc. to get rid of unwanted hair.
- In some South Asian and Middle Eastern societies, the removal of pubic hair is for religious observance [Islamic culture] and hygiene.
- In indigenous communities and subcultures, natural body hair is embraced and celebrated.
Modern grooming methods
Pubic hair serves a purpose, but personal preference is a top priority. Let’s talk about the different methods for plucking pubic hair. You can read more about other methods to remove hair on the Ulike Blog. Ulike is also invested in designing IPL devices for smooth hair removal in other non-sensitive areas.
- Shaving is the most common but there is the risk of razor burns and ingrown hair to consider.
- Waxing is painful, and there is a risk of skin irritation.
- Depilatory creams don’t hurt. Nevertheless, they have chemicals so there is the risk of irritation for some.
- Tiny tweezers can pluck multiple hairs at once. It is painful but lasts longer than shaving.
- Sugaring is the same as waxing, but sugar-based paste is used. Some people find it less hurting than traditional wax.
- Laser treatment needs a professional. Concentrated light is used to target hair follicles. Multiple sessions are required and are the most expensive.
- Electrolysis is time-consuming and pricey but the only method for permanent hair removal.
Taking skin care after hair removal
It is important to take care of your skin after hair removal using any method.
- Use a gentle cleanser without strong fragrance. Strong fragrance can irritate your sensitive skin down there.
- Then, apply on some moisture to keep your treated area calm and happy.
- Wear loose clothes and keep away from UV rays for a day.
- Keep an eye out for any signs of redness, swelling or irritation.
- If you encounter any such issues consult a dermatologist.
Remember, everyone’s skin differs, so what works for your friend may not work for you.
Pubic hair is normal. It has been around forever and plays a cool role, like protecting your genitals. To trim it or not is up to you. Have it, wax it, keep it wild – do whatever you like! People have different ideas based on their culture and beliefs. So, with an open mind, respect everyone’s choices. Ultimately, it’s your body, your rules!